Sentec GmbH - Strahlenmesssysteme

Nuclear Measurement Technology

Quality and experience for over 35 years!

Sentec GmbH - RadiationMeasurementSystems

Company Profile

Sentec GmbH is a provider of high quality and reliability radiation measurement systems. Our systems have been developed during the 1980s by the german representation of the U.S. american company EG&G in collaboration with Siemens-KWU for reactor safety in nuclear power plants.

Highest quality engineering has resulted in very reliable products, which are being used since 35 years ago in facilities all over the globe.

In 1999 Sentec GmbH took over the "reactor safety systems" branch as an independent company.

Sentec GmbH is license holder for the whole product range and collaborates with qualified and renowned companies for production, repair and distribution of radiation measurement systems.

Our task area contains the technical support, consulting, monitoring of production and repair (including interim controls as well as production and repair independent factory checks) within the scope of quality control, as well as maintenance, storing of system parts, market analysis, further development and qualification of products and marketing activities.

The company is managed by Dr. Georg Steger, who has taken part in the development of the original measurement systems.