Sentec GmbH - Strahlenmesssysteme

Nuclear Measurement Technology

Quality and experience for over 35 years!

Sentec GmbH - RadiationMeasurementSystems

Development of our products

1981 First plans to develop reactor protection systems based on Geiger-Mueller-, scintillation and ion-doped semiconductor detectors including the companies Siemens-KWU/Erlangen, EG&G Instruments/Munich (management/marketing/distribution) and Autronic/Karlsruhe (development, production).

1982-1984 Development of NaI175 and GM175 and qualification within the scope of qualifying examinations according to guidelines of the Nuclear Safety Standards Commission (KTA).

1983 Development of measurement systems GM110-B and GM110-G for applications outside reactor safety.

1984 First distribution of NaI175 and GM175 measurement systems for reactor safety to two german nuclear power plants.

1984-1985 Development of the high-activity beta measurement system PIA55 and qualification within the scope of qualifying examinations according to guidelines of the Nuclear Safety Standards Commission (KTA).

1985-1986 Distribution of GM175 and NaI175 for reactor safety in every nuclear powerplant in germany and spain built by Siemens/KWU after 1985.

1995-1996 Redesign and qualification of the follow-up systems GM175A and NaI175A.

1996-1997 Distribution of GM175A and NaI175A systems for radiation protection to multiple nuclear power plants in south america.

1996-1997 Redesign and qualification of the PIA55A system as successor for PIA55.

1999 Founding of Sentec GmbH by Dr. Steger and takeover of all development, production, marketing and distribution tasks.

2005 Additional type testing for the NaI175A system for requalification after changing of components.

since 1985 Maintenance of installed protection systems via on-site measurements.

since 1999 Distribution of all available systems to nuclear power plants and research facilities worldwide.